How to support the Art Show

The Mount Eliza Art & Design Show is a fundraising activity for the Mount Eliza North Primary School. Profits raised are put towards improving school facilities to enhance the educational future of our students.

Thank you so much for considering sponsoring the Art Show and supporting the School! We couldn't do it without your help!

Key Statistics

  • 650 students at MENPS
  • 350+ People attend Opening Night
  • 1,000+ eMail Marketing
  • 2,500+ People attend the weekend
  • 4,000+ Facebook & Instagram Followers
  • 5,500+ Website impressions

Which sponsorship opportunity?

The following sponsorship opportunities are available, however we are more than happy to consider other opportunities to suit your needs.

Contact us now to become a Sponsor!

    This is the in the form of a monetary donation to the Art Show and occurs within the following levels:

    • Premier Sponsor
    • Event Sponsor
    • Gold Sponsor
    • Silver Sponsor
    • Bronze Sponsor
    • Art Prize Sponsor (Prize named after your business, you select winner amongst all artist/makers)

    Sponsors receive a number of perks, such as: tickets to opening night, listed within our website, promoted within our social media, added to signage within exhibition areas.

    See who our Sponsors are! 

    A live auction is held on opening night, with lively bidding occurring.

    • There are usually 6-10 items auctioned, and on average receive 90% of their retail value.
    • Items are usually priced between $200-$2,000.

    Auction items donated in the past have been:

    • An item from one of the feature artists
    • Experiences: Accommodation, restaurants or travel
    • Gift Vouchers: Spa, clothing, hardware, giftware, entertainment
    • Products: Wine, tools, sporting goods, hampers

    Donators appear within the website and are promoted within the Art Show social media.

    See who has offered items for Opening Night! 

    A silent auction is situated at the entry of the Art Show for all attendees to see. Bidding is open Friday night and are drawn at the completion of the Art Show.

    • There are usually 20 items auctioned, and on average receive 100% of their retail value.
    • Items are usually priced between $50-$500.

    Auction items donated in the past have been:

    • Items from Art Show artists and makers
    • Experiences: Accommodation, restaurants or travel
    • Gift Vouchers: Spa, clothing, hardware, giftware, entertainment
    • Products: Wine, tools, sporting goods, hampers

    Donators appear within the website and are promoted within the Art Show social media as a group.

    See who is part of the Silent Auction! 

    The Raffle is opened 2 weeks prior of the Art Show and is drawn at the completion of the Art Show. Tickets are provided to all school students to sell to family and friends, as well as being available for purchase over the Art Show weekend.

    • There are usually 4-8 items to be won as part of the Raffle
    • Items are usually priced between $100-$1000.

    Auction items donated in the past have been:

    • Items from Art Show artists and makers
    • Experiences: Accommodation, restaurants or travel
    • Gift Vouchers: Spa, clothing, hardware, giftware, entertainment
    • Products: Wine, tools, sporting goods, hampers

    Donators appear within the website and are promoted within the Art Show social media as a group.

    Contact us to donate an item to the Raffle 

    The Art Show seeks partnerships with marketing businesses to assist in:

    • Advertising boards to be placed around the community.
    • Marketing features in magazines and radio stations
    Contact us now to discuss 

    The Art Show seeks partnerships with hospitality businesses for:

    • Wine, beer and Champaign for Opening Night.
    • Cakes & biscuits, and coffee & tea for the Art Show Cafe

    Contact us now to discuss 

    This year's MENPS Student Photography Exhibition theme is "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder".

    We are seeking small gifts/vouchers to present to "Student Choice Award" for 1st, 2nd & 3rd, and for each entrant.

    Find out more